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LV7 2016-11-16

【< flower color >】


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作品简介:The last guests ordered a 3.5 carat diamond although small but the D color the price is very impressive chose the style of ring inlaid. About Baoyong personally send guests out handed him his name card: "thank you Mr. Wang if there is any need please contact us"

Hear the voice of Baoyong who turned her eyes. When Baoyong felt his eyes like electricity as if to split the night but the sharp eyes on her face round immediately convergence.

Wang Lai has been feeling her wits: "how do you know my last name is Wang?"

Baoyong smiled did not answer.

4 票
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-16
    If the diamond is loveWhen Baoyong walked into the room VIP, Leslie which gave her a wink. Baoyong so quietly walked forward two guests, a man and a woman, the lights and the black velvet in front of them, above all the shining carat diamonds. The woman is very young, soft white tender thin fingers the multi ring, so one by one try to pick a seem desirable, just ask: "is there anything better?"Bao Yong smiled and said: "we have more than five carat diamond, do not know what you have to Color and Clarity requirements?"Young female guests half half jiaochen looked hesitant man a look, as if he carelessly nodded: "take a look at"Baoyong calm, her entry in less than five years to do the manager, what kind of guests will buy what kind of diamond, early in the heart.The last guests ordered a 3.5 carat diamond, although small, but the D color, the price is very impressive, chose the style of ring inlaid. About Baoyong personally send guests out, handed him his name card: "thank you, Mr. Wang, if there is any need, please contact us"Hear the voice of Baoyong, who turned her eyes. When Baoyong felt his eyes like electricity, as if to split the night, but the sharp eyes on her face round, immediately convergence.Wang Lai has been feeling her wits: "how do you know my last name is Wang?"Baoyong smiled, did not answer.That day he was in the store just to accompany with her side, almost did not say a few words, although look seems unusual, Baoyong knew he was watching that no eye-catching suit is out of London Savile row a hundred years old, because it took three ROYAL WARRANT store to suit. Stand straight time will show special posted silk commissure.One to go to London to try three times to wear, need to wait three months hand sewn suits of men, will send the companion what kind of diamond?So Bao Yong did not hesitate to recommend to him the value of millions of the nation's bare diamond.Finally she boldly guess that, simply because he has the name abbreviation suit manual nail buttons. The seam hundred years old, always willing to guests with family custom badges or initials of the button.When the headhunter persuaded Baoyong to quit, Baoyong had hesitated. She said she love this industry, or love diamonds. When listening to the Grandpa read < > the count of Monte Cristo, she described the treasure of love, big ruby and big diamonds, like the Reaper after the grape like Sheng in the box, hazy jewels, the most unbelievable everything in this world of myth.When the Antwerp head office practice, everyone think hard, not only from the original stone. She started, marking, cutting, shaping, polishing and grinding. See ordinary stones into dazzling naked drill, she was always interested in. And the search for a starting salary is impressive, Baoyong thought over and over again, feel no exception.Many times, people have to do for money.The new work Baoyong is Wang Li's personal assistant, responsible for the daily life of Wang family, sounds just like housekeeping role, but it is more challenging than the manager. She needs to manage Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen and a number of real estate in Hongkong, home to more than and 20 people service coordination team, four drivers the gardener, and tutor. Wang Li divorced for many years, still single, knees only a eight year old daughter Xiao Jin, but little has severe autism and congenital heart disease, perennial by private doctors and family care.When Wang Li was at home, Baoyong often need to follow him off. Sometimes the morning in the afternoon in Shanghai, Beijing, Hongkong, the big dinner the evening back to the house. Baoyong always properly arrange everything, to hold hundreds of Carnival Party at home, to what time arrangements come to the dentist Wang Jin seal the fissure.In addition to the Secretary General Wang Li, she is a person with Wang Li every day along the longest time. Occasionally I and Leslie phone, Leslie boldly asked her: "how's the new job? Did you fall in love with the gold diamond Bachelor?"Baoyong very bluntly: "fall in love with him? Come on, love the people would be more than 3000 grams of grinding stone is difficult"Before a stranger Wang Lai is mysterious rich low-key, in front of subordinates Wang Lai is demanding boss, partner in before the king Lai is a partner with her before the king Lai is graceful bearing gentleman.In Baoyong, Wang Li is an occasional fussy man. Tie up gas and handkerchief prior to collocation, Fried Eggs side three cooked, do not drink coffee, drink Black Tea every Saturday, even if again busy, also take the time to accompany her daughter to see the dolphins.A man who is very monotonous, boring, and boring.But Wang Li seems to gradually cannot do without her, it cannot do without also only as he cannot do without his secretary, Baoyong once seen him angry, because Mr. Chen took a day off because of high fever, and temporary borrowing board secretary made a mistake on an important contract.So for a family and career superior men, the manipulation of complex business organizations, all the best people are like a precision screw, conscientious, never rust, never made a mistake, because the only way to stay in his long stay for a long time.He put her in the period of about half a year, despite the intermediate abroad, business meetings and so on. Was the time, every woman will get about three months or so. Every time it is good, Baoyong quietly think about every woman he will send an expensive diamond generous.He is not a playboy, just work more pressure, but also can not stand the woman is not smart.That day little accident, Wang Li in Tokyo, when come back late. Baoyong stayed in hospital emergency center, watched him silent and tired daughter standing before bed, the forehead turned out to be a lost. She had never seen him this look pale, almost scary, closed lips, even lower jaw curve like hard. Chen secretary at her delivery color, she stole out of the room on, he said: "back on the plane that is not good, always did not speak, would you bother, don't let him too sad"But who lost her father, how will not sad?Baoyong dutifully arrange the funeral and all other things, but did not dare to disturb shut yourself in your room and Wang Li.The middle of the night when she was checking the details, he quietly appeared in her studio door, looked dark sand voice: "how haven't slept?"Orange light through the half opened door, there are more than a foot wide light is cast in his body, his face half buried in the darkness, the other half in the light, but can only see tired.She said: "there are still some things that have not been done""Po wing, accompany me to chat"If it is not too bad, he probably didn't talk to her. Baoyong in front of him was not much, but at this time also to listen. Gradually aware of the hearts of men the most outstanding all pain, childhood sweetheart lover, Everything is going smoothly. marriage, but because of little birth and destruction."We hate each other, each other, that is the fault of the other party, will cause so much pain to little. Although we are not the family history of heart disease, but she couldn't resist collapse, leaving the children and I divorce, she says she can't take it anymore. Doctors said little live at the age of three, I think all the way, to find the world's most authoritative heart experts, after consultation to confirm a heart transplant. The doctor said lucky she can live up to six years"
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-16
    泪不知不觉地流到了唇边,我又一次梦见了他。他还是那时上学时的模样,嘴边带着笑,一副聪明而自命不凡的样子,笑起来可以迷死人,那样的看着我。2013年11月2日,我和他失去联系3年了。最后一次和他联系是*上,我对他说我还想他,他说“我什么也给不了你。”然后从此删了我的*没有了联系。他长着一张薄情的嘴,就好像那么多喜欢他的人,他总是从没有认真对待过一样。然而我却不知为何迷恋上了他。是因为那次邂逅吗?我是一个简单而平凡的人,不能接受过于耀眼的存在,那样的火光会使我燃烧成灰,不留残渣。我一只想,像我这么卑微而平凡的存在,是不会有一场惊心动魄的爱情的。然而这10年否定了我这个答案。10年后的今天,我又一次梦见了他。然而一切已成枉然,我要做的就是上班下班,匆匆忙忙活在这个尘世上,好像没有什么痕迹,眼泪和笑声都卑微得像尘埃。我所做的只有写作,它倾注了我所有的感情和泪水。虽然,一切毫无起色。他为何会拒绝我,我其实早该明白,早该想到,我在他眼里只是一个匆匆而过的街边野花,并比不上他身边的艳红。然而我却倾巢而出,一败涂地。我曾经算命,测出他就是我的一个“劫”,一个逃不开的陷阱。一陷便是10年。我知道,我们已经不会有后续了。然而我错了。Vol.2第一次见到他的时候,我还是高一。那时我扎着马尾辫,带着500度的眼镜,其貌不扬。那天我正抱着一摞作业本下楼,他在身后叫住我。我一回头,看到从来没有见过的那么好看的身影。微扬的眼光透着不一样的神采,我知道他,他是10班的班长赵季浔。我曾不止一次在同伴女生那里听过他的名字。他是学校的风云人物,在学校总是拿各种奖,好像作文很厉害,人也长得很帅,属于张狂不羁的那种。学校里不少女生为他倾倒,而我们班上也有几个人成天说他的事。据说还有我们班的女生给他些过情书,但是没有什么回音。这样的男生,和我的世界好像没有什么交集。我也曾偷偷在天台上看他们班的体育课。那个男生总是被一群人围绕,生龙活虎的样子好像很矫健,也很开朗。天台上云淡风轻,我无意走过,偷偷看一眼而已。然而现在他就站在我身后,叫了我的名字。我回头看着他,透过厚厚的镜片,看到他英武的眉。“这期校刊上的刊首语是你写的吧?”赵季浔挑着眉问。“是。”我小声回答道。“太花哨了,不是很适合,张老师跟我说下次注意点。”“知道了。”我看着他皱眉的样子,心里委屈极了。“但是我觉得挺好的,你加油啊。”他又微笑着说。我看着那个男生笑的样子,一下子就恍惚了,好像被照到了太阳光。那是被肯定的感觉,而且是被有名的他。我的脸一下子就红了。“你写的我还会看的。”赵季浔说着笑着跑掉了。我抱着一摞作业本站在楼梯上傻傻站着,幸福的要死。从此我记住了这个少年。高二,我们分班,被分到了一起。那天我站在班门口,在人群中再次看到了赵季浔。他看着我 ,眼里又有说不出的深沉,我心里好像有一条河冰雪消融。是的,那一瞬间,我觉得我喜欢上了他。只是一眼而已,但是那时他也在看我。喜欢一个人,可能只是一个瞬间不经意的眼神,我曾天真地想。整个高中两年我都是在压抑中渡过。我深信老师家长们说的“早恋的危害”,不敢越雷池半步。只有偷偷地看看他,看他又在发言,又在和同学讲笑话,又考了全班第一……时光匆匆流淌而过,转眼两年过去了,我的恋爱仍然没有走出半步。然而他却收到了班上女生的情书。我眼睁睁看着她们对他围住堵截,制造机会相处的样子,好羡慕。因为她们是那种班上耀眼的女生,漂亮、学习成绩好、人缘好,不像我,灰头土脸,埋在人群里别人也认不出来。我看着那些漂亮的女生和他在一起的时候,我心里感觉怪怪的,只有低着头从他们身边走过去。他一定不会听到我心里的声音。我也喜欢他。我是校刊的编辑,我擅长写作,这是我唯一值得自豪的亮点。我知道他会看校刊,会看我编辑、发表的文章。这是我们之间唯一的默契。那天我还在办公室里编辑校刊内容,他走进办公室和老师说话,我看到他在看我。那种深深的表情我永远不会忘。那时我感觉很幸福,在桌上的纸上写下了“赵季浔我喜欢你”一行字,这是我的秘密。我把一切都投入到校刊之中,只有这样,他才能注视到我。我偏执地这样想。我看着他拿着校刊看,和同学聊天分享里面我写的文章的时候,觉得,真的有那么一点幸福的感觉。我总觉得他对我是有好感的。从他看校刊时那种专注而微笑的神情中,从他跟我说话时一种尊敬的态度中,还有他对别人夸我的文章的时候,我的心中都装满了秘密的心事。我执着地认为他是喜欢我的,从某种程度上。他看向我的时候,脸上总是带着淡淡的笑容,暖暖的,很亲切。我被暖到了,这是我学生生涯中唯一有男生看着我微笑,所以我越发沦陷了。高考,他考到了清华。而我去了一个二本学校。我以为我们的故事就这样结束了,淡淡的,带着草香和浅浅的羞涩和不甘,就这样消散在空气中。直到我在大学中收到了他给我发的一条短信。他打听到了我的电话,给我发了一条短信。“嗨,老同学,好久不见,分别总是那么容易,你还好吗?”我回复了他,他问我上的什么专业,我告诉了他是中文系,他说他也很喜欢中文系。当时我正在宿舍里洗脚,宿舍里信号不好,我就光脚穿着拖鞋跑到了一楼的大门口,迎着寒风跟他发短信。天知道我有多么高兴。他怎么会知道我的电话?他为什么要给我发短信?晚上我激动地睡不着觉。脑海里全是他短信里发的话。我是一个无可救药的傻瓜。我以为我上大学了,终于可以大大方方地谈恋爱了,或许我也可以和他开始点什么。我这样想。曾经的小心翼翼,刻意回避,终于可以告诉他我的心声。于是我告诉他我喜欢他。他回复了一个笑的表情,我搞不懂那是什么意思。我想他是高兴的,承认的。我在寒冷的北方大学中做着梦,梦想有一天能见到他。我辗转反侧,心想这许许多多的不可能。梦想好像蝴蝶一样在春天里绽开,迷乱地看不见他的眼睛。我反复问自己,可能不可能,应该不应该,是否只是一个无法实现的错觉。我不知道大学时光是怎么渡过的。总之,因为不在一个地方,我们没有见过面。只是寥寥几语的问候祝福短信,完全不能说明问题。我不知道他是不是有女朋友,我在网上翻看他的博客,寻找着蛛丝马迹。为只言片语欢喜或流泪。他说他的宿舍阳光很好,说做梦梦见了一个女孩,说和同学出去玩……我就这样在网络的一端看着他的博客默默流泪。听着《丁香花》陷入沉思。杜寒是我们班的一个男同学,经常会问我借书,还找我出去玩。我们经常一起在校园里散步。我想他是喜欢上我了,然而他不知道我的心事。我在等一个人。大学毕业那天,同学们在学校附近的饭馆一起聚餐吃散伙饭。杜寒对我说,其实你长得很像刘亦菲。我哑然失笑。是的,进了大学我留了长发,摘掉了眼镜,变成了一个不那么难看的女生,虽然貌不惊人但是也清秀干净。我知道学校也有男生喜欢我。杜寒喝多了,他对我说:“我知道你喜欢一个人,我会一直等你的。我一定会做出一番事业的,你等着我。”我知道他喝多了,人在喝多的时候都会说狂话。我看着他被几个同学扶走。心里有些无奈。我对他更多是一种友谊。我喜欢的男生在清华,他有着好看的笑。他一定也在等我。Vol.32010年,是我们高中同学在大学毕业后第一次聚会。那天我刚好患了感冒,嗓子很难受,但是想到能够见到他,还是带病去了。我终于见到他了,他穿着一身牛仔衣,长高了不少,好像也成熟了。我知道是时候表达对他的感情了。我们见面相视一笑,互相寒暄。我看着他和同学们打招呼的样子,心中很甜蜜。我想靠近他坐,然而几个班上的女生已经挤到了他的身边,和他密切地说着话。我无法靠近。其间我好像看到了他看我,我忘不了那惊慌失措的眼神。然而我毕竟病了。我点了一首歌,是一首情歌。我想唱给他听。我小心翼翼地选歌,着急得等待着麦霸们唱完轮到我。轮到我的歌了,我拿起麦想要唱歌,然而我竟然突然发不出声,从我喉咙里发出了一串难听的声音。我感冒了,嗓子沙哑了。我坚持着唱完,那声音不知道有多难听和挣扎。我看到他看我的脸色变了。他去厕所,我去找他,在厕所门口等他想找他说话。他低着头出来看见我,眼里一种异样的神色。“我……”我刚想说话,他伸出一只手拒绝的样子说:“不用说了,我知道你的意思。抱歉我有女朋友了。”然后他从我身边擦身而过。那一瞬间,我感觉玻璃掉在地上摔碎的声音。不一会他和几个女生一起说笑完提前离开,离开的时候甚至没有看我一眼。我傻傻地坐在沙发上,看着屏幕上的歌词发呆。我想哭,那是我一直想唱给他的歌,然而我却没有唱好,丢了人。他也拒绝了我。从那以后我直到6年后才再次见到他。我回到家就哭了,被子蒙着头哭。这么多年过去了,他还是不喜欢我,我曾经在他看我写的文章的时候以为他喜欢我,可是我错了,大错特错。现实狠狠扇了我一个巴掌。接着,我和他都考研了。他被清华保研,我在努力备考。我在班里的群中找到他的*,说想他。他解释了许多,最后告诉我“什么也给不了我”。我真的绝望了。我退出了班里的*群,从此我们失去了联系。那个电话我再也没有拨通过,想发短信的时候,发现他停机了。Vol.43年以后,我成了一家出版社的编辑,每天忙忙碌碌。我有时还会想去看他的博客,但是他却关闭了博客,什么也看不到。我知道我是一颗卑微到尘土里的尘埃,为了一段不切实际的幻想,葬送了10年的青春。有人说初恋是很美好的东西,我在小说里无数次读到过它,那么馨香、甘美、充满玫瑰色的幻想。然而我平凡的经历却告诉我,生活的残酷和不堪。它不耀眼,它很狗血。它不惊心动魄,它只惊动我的心。每一天,在领导的威吓声中,在没日没夜的加班中,我渐渐麻木,渐渐地也成了一个剩女。当情人节,或者是圣诞节的时候我望着窗外的夜色,知道那些夜色中的街道上正上演着一幕又一幕的甜蜜。那些恋人在一起格外令人伤心。我为自己难过,为了一段苍白而不堪的感情浪费了自己的青春时光。我开始在闲暇之余写一本小说,叫《卑微到尘埃里的爱》。那是关于一个爱情的感人的故事,平凡的女主角和耀眼的男主角有情人终成眷属。我知道那个女主角就是我。我没日没夜的写,用尽了全部力气。我不知道我写这些为了什么。10年了,我哭过、笑过、痛过、恨过。上天没有给我一个完美的结局,于是我要在小说的虚幻中实现它。敲完最后一个字的那天,我看着结局哭了。他们最终收获了甜美,而我,却始终是一个凄凉的身影。我为了这本20万字小说的出版吃尽了苦头。被骗过、被坑过、被冷眼过、被退稿过。我不停地修改。那是我在另一个世界的幸福和完美结局。最终小说终于在朋友的帮助下出版了,意想不到地大获成功。我一下子名声大噪。在签名售书的那天,我在人群中看到了一个熟悉的身影——是他。他拿着小说正在犹豫要不要过来,最终徘徊了一阵还是走了。我看着他的背影心中有说不出的苍凉。如果没有他,我也不会写这本小说,也不会有今天的成绩。第二次见到他,是在一次去北京开会的时候,在一家餐厅吃饭碰到了他,他也在那里吃饭。那时我已经是文化界的名人。我看到他正在吃一碗盖饭,我犹豫要不要走上前去和他说话。我看着他吃完饭,最终还是没有前去和他说话。因为,我已经和文化界的另一位名人在谈恋爱,而那个人就是我的大学同学杜寒。他成为了一个知名的媒体评论人。再次相遇,我答应了他的追求。我看着他熟悉的样子,狼吞虎咽地吃掉了饭,然后付款走掉。我从同学那里知道他这段日子过得并不好。我想起他拿着我写的书出现在签售会上的身影,我想他或许也是我的一个默默的读者,就像以前一样。他还是喜欢我写的东西。我的男友,杜寒来了,我们共进晚餐。他笑着看着我,我看着他成熟了不少的成功人士的模样,又聊起了当时在大学的时光。“我知道你一直喜欢一个人。”杜寒看着我对我深沉地说。“?”我抬头看着他。“或许我没能走进你的青春,但是我要还给你一个青春。”杜寒看着我,将一个装着钻戒的礼盒打开在我面前。“嫁给我好吗?我会给你一生一世的幸福,让你不再受任何委屈。”我心中感动,然而我却看到了赵季浔在窗外走过。我一阵恍惚,然后看着眼前的爱我的男人,对他说:“我愿意。”Vol.5我是赵季浔,我是《卑微到尘埃里的爱》的读者,我被故事里的爱情所吸引,因为那里面写的全是我经历过的校园生活,每一件事都有记忆的影子。当我知道它的作者就是我的高中同学的时候,我是很惊讶的,因为这是现在当红的小说。我被小说里的情节深深吸引,无法自拔,我爱上了里面那个女生,像极了我的那位同学,有些胆怯,有些平凡,却始终对爱有着一份深深的执着。我不知道我将要何去何从。我也想要去找我的这位同学,然而我毕竟深深伤害过她。我患白血病已经6年了,我不知道我还能活多久。我没有告诉任何人,只有我的家人知道我的事,或许我想有尊严的,像个正常人的活在世界上直到最后一分钟。关于那个同学,我喜欢过她。那时她在校刊上发表文章我经常读,那时我就想她一定会有很好的未来。但是我没有想到我大学毕业那年被查出患了白血病,我不想拖累任何人,包括她。我知道她喜欢我,是在一次我在办公室看她在那里编辑校刊,我趁她出去不在的时候翻了她放在桌上的一张纸,上面写着“赵季浔我喜欢你。”那个时候我就知道她喜欢我了。她是一个很乖的女孩,我谢谢她把我和我们写进了小说。即使我离开了这个世界,我也将活在故事里,我真心感谢她。记得那个冬夜我好不容易跟同学那里要来了她的电话给她发短信,那真的是一段美好的时光。本想在异地上学结束后做些什么改变,然而该死的病魔又缠上了我。我痛苦过,失望过,只能选择逃避和离开。对不起。当我看着她耀眼的时候,有时候我觉得我才是那个卑微到尘埃里的人。再见,喜欢过我,我也喜欢过的女孩,然后,永别。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-16
    I'm single.My name is not single, single single single, is not a single body, the dog is not a single dog dog, no, you're the dog! I was destined to go man! Although it is still in the university with a bunch of stupid foolish mortals with unknown to the public.Just don't care about the parents how it is with the malicious name, but please don't take that name to the appearance. You understand: the word Shan read fourth times, than the bad Street Zhao qiansun Li high do not know where to go, according to the degree of endangerment to count, is at least a level of protection but the name. Do you dare to believe? Not only no one gave me the bamboo to eat, even spouses are no one to find me, so I must do this mean courtship thing? I highborn minute extinction for you to see ah. However, too much is never called me Shan Shen. Is Dan shen. your culture?Your love? The Chinese teacher can sleep up hi? Is the most over there is a homologous single Zhixiu, we all know that Shan called Zhi Xiu ah.People say renruqiming, that I am single? A joke, to remove the word! No, * you. You polish your eyes, know what is lascivious? Look at the white skin, look at this slender ten fingers, where you put my little left and right a beautiful and kind fast? They apologize. Well, "as the name," I hate the word. In addition to what "prophecy", "decreed by fate so naked, actually no one from the dirty protest? SARFT even fairy into a fine tube, so even * pure beautiful words let it become stars, even a few words in my high school!I have clearly written a letter to the administration, and called on all the buddies together together to protest, purify network environment, so I directly on the flag raising ceremony to jump on the podium made a lively speech, the result was copy one thousand times. The word "Biang". Yes, that is more than and 100 strokes of the characters! This is naked and corporal punishment mental pollution! But wise I finally silently chose not to resist. History again and told us that the great wisdom can not always get the contemporary people's understanding. May I have to wait for a long time after the death of someone would discover my contribution to Chinese sorry, and greatly:If a single Comrade can live up to now, is bound to take the Nobel prize in literature "Then I eat lotus? Of course I don't eat lotus. Even the critical point of view, I also considered Yushu Lin crazy. I'm boring? Have you seen the boring person will spend a whole afternoon to observe ants? And does weekly. That I was poor and I have? The car is real! In Beijing urban areas, many people dare to say "the car is" this four word. Not to mention the car is brand - Phoenix, the room there are three male helpers. It didn't have a girlfriend? I just haven't shot natural. In fact I'll when I said immediately, not tomorrow or the next Friday, I said now is now, immediately, immediately.The target is early to occupy the third row on the edge of the girls, she only accounted for his seat, a person, yes, I looked for a long time, a person of her white dress, long hair, pure sweet face, and full of Alice quite small breasts, is barely enough my. Her side is empty. Sitting in front of a row of man, sitting behind a "no" level of girls, and her side is empty. I only need a very ordinary walk past, politely asked her to have people on the edge? She said no I will. It is natural to sit beside her on the passing of time, but also smell the faint smell of Head and Shoulders shampoo, howeverAfter we got married, a baby, all surnamed. Yes, it is that simple. But she said. If someone on the edge? She will not be because of my light shine too shy, it is very common. She hesitated, shortness of breath, speechless and even then flushed and spilled cup, feel so embarrassed. In order to avoid this she could have lied that a people on the side, this too is possible. I should wait, et al more around her position is full, the whole room sitting position full, in addition to the nearest. As long as I am sitting in the past, yes, then IHave no choice, she has no choice. Do. Ghost! There must be someone sitting beside her, after all she is like in the wild red buff, men sacrifice their lives to get things ah. I looked at her in front of the boys by chance to chat constantly stealing at her. Damn ah, actually use team approach, no, so that they might go to, then she may just before I haven't met with the front of the stupid child to go. You must stop! A fierce ideological struggle after I have taken the first step, then normal only slightly with the hand with the feet close to her, closer, closer, and sure enough, as long as the firstStep out, the road is simple. Only one row of the distance away from her, I can almost smell the fragrance of her hair, a bit out with my calculation, she is actually used to rejoice! It makes me love her slightly reduced a little, but still very love.I coughed and said: "why do students, someone on the edge?" dull slightly slow tone, even a just perfect indifference, with a deep voice, I give myself out of this performance.Sure enough, a woman's head was gently shaking, a woman's body stood up, this is a sign that I went in.I even politely nodded back no, went in and sat down, I want to keep my high cold.Well, so far, everything is perfect. I'm not a goddess on my side, but a woman who looks so ordinary that I can name it "no". I'm sitting behind the goddess.This is of course, sitting behind the statue, staring at her two classes, and then calmly like never met like this than she said "classmate, ask somebody beside you please" much more. Not likely to be refused, can not be ignored, and have good safety two hours. As for the children, oh, who called her rejoice?Who would want to be with a white dress, long hair, pure sweet face, and full of Alice quite small breasts, with rejoice shampoo do girls have children?She was taking notes, ah, I think it is boring to take notes, playing the phone to go. Is in the brush WeChat Mody, hateful ah, the word is too small to see.Ah, the goddess put one hand on the other hand, with the nails painted bright red cross in the back of the hand, drew a ten, drew a wells, draw a Jiugongge. Yes, there is a mosquito bites her hand, poor white played tambourine a small bag. God knows where the mosquitoes in the winter, the charm of the goddess even insects can't resist it. Anyway she was in the bag and draw three horizontal and three vertical, this is indeed itching, but not as flexible as excessive damage to the skin, wise in fact about this choice. I'm beginning in doing research, I deliberately let the various types of mosquito bites the size of the package, howeverAfter a few a few paintings were observed in vertical or transverse, the number ten is proved the best antipruritic effect, and in most cases, three horizontal and three vertical is the best choice, if only to draw a "well", antipruritic effect is not obvious, if draw more thick, not good-looking, waste time, but also no more itching. I also found that this method is timely, five minutes before the best minute redraw time, so best. I took a lot of body mosquito bite steamed out and cross my painting, combining the research methods and conclusions I sent to the royal the Swedish Academy of Sciences, this is the Nobel level that is benefiting all mankindThe technology, I think they will. They can tread on air back only two words -- I put the letter back idiot!. mankind must therefore postpone 200 years of science and technology, because of your stupid. At that time only my mother is on my side, she said. "The children, you may forget to put stamps, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Hogwarts is not in the M78 nebula." not even the M78 Nebula? Have to say, the Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel prize has place in my heart, even a M78 are not included in the nebula Academy of Sciences did not qualify my wisdom, I decidedGrow up to go to Japan to find Deeja Altman in person to talk about, this thing is also stranded on the now.Oh, accidentally walked under God, let us put the picture cut back now, let us forget the unhappy past and then see our goddess. Her gentle and kind, to soothe my heart. Oh, God, what she was doing, she drew a ten, this how can, this is 4 x 4 lattice, too much, you should have 37 seconds to draw. "No, stop!" I shouted out unable to restrain the emotions.She paused, turned his head and looked at me suspiciously, ah, confused eyes, I give out. I try to squeeze in a I think the most handsome face, I suddenly realized that the scene is not so, why is it so quiet, I glanced around, as if all people are watching. I."The classmates, you tell me the contents of what?" the teacher was looking at me, and he also spoke, toward the direction where I say a word, is in front of the idiot who asked before? I asked the goddess? Or at the back?"Don't look around, is you, would you stand up"Me? I used my fingers to look at myself.The teacher nodded.Hum, stand on the station!"Well, after what other students have questions please stand up and say. Then, I ask the students to I just tell Lev Tolstoy what is the story of < Sevastopol > local identity?""No." I whispered. Lev Tolstoy? What? What is this class? Ah, appreciate foreign literature. Yes, that's it. Lev. Thor. Tolstoy? Liefutuo. Tolstoy? A bit familiar to me."What do you mean by that word without you?"What do you mean? What do you mean? What did I say? "Ah no, stop!" it is, why should I say this of course is because the goddess processing method mosquito bag has a problem: Yes, but I cannot say so. Why should we stop? Why? Wait, Lev Tolstoy! I think of it, I have seen his words! Do it, I'm so witty."Sir," I said, well, "Mr." instead of "teacher" first highlighted my literary temperament, I do very well. Then I say, "I interrupted your wonderful explanation, just in time to hear here, I suddenly thought of Lev Tolstoy A's famous phrase, I feel excited and full of excitement., I could not help but want to share with you""Oh?" the teacher was a little slow down, with interest to ask, "do not know which sentence?""Lev Tolstoy once said," see the teacher's face, I suddenly emboldened loudly said, "don't play with a woman at heart, they have only one heart, very fragile, to play to play their milk, there are two of them"The whole classroom instantly quiet can hear the heat flow in the radiator, I seem to hear the echo of the walls of the classroom from extremely elegant and valuable, more reasonable ah, Tolstoy said. Master baseTo play on the play on their breast bar, there are two of them.Play with their breasts, there are two of them.There are two of them...[3] ten thousand times.In silence for a few minutes, the whole room suddenly sent bursts of laughter and the barbell."I missed several million?" the students have just woken up and asked what happened."Just. Ha ha. You don't know. Someone just said. Haha. I'm done. He said. Ha ha ha. FML, not too dirty, I can not say."."Be quiet." the teacher said finally. The adults just over 50 years old have white middle-aged uncle lips were red, her eyes are black, but did not care for him. He put the receiver to the mouth: "I said to be quiet!".The last moment in perfect silence.
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-16
    “截止前市收盘为止,常欣已跌至八十二元七角,与专家预测的八十元大关相去不远……”  收音机里正播出股市快报,洛美一边剪花枝,一边纠正小妹小云的剪法,浑不将刚听到的消息放在心上。小云却“哎呀”了一声,说:“糟啦!”  洛美问:“怎么了?”  小云说:“我妈买了这个股票,这下好了,一定又要亏本,又该骂我出气了。”  洛美随口道:“很快就会反弹的,叫她不要急着斩仓就行。”  小云说:“她才不会听我的呢。”听到风铃响,忙转过身去向来客甜甜一笑:“欢迎光临。”  “白茶花一打。”  小云答应着,去抽了十二枝白茶花,交给洛美包扎。洛美以玻璃纸一一包好,熟练的系好缎带:“谢谢,七百四十块。”  “今天可不可以送我一枝勿忘我?”  “当然可以。”洛美掠去鬓边垂下的发丝,随手抽了花架上一枝勿忘我,他接了过去,却插在柜台上的一个花瓶里。小云听见门口车声,知道是花行送货来了,于是出去接花。  “今天的花很好,是附近的花田出的吗?”  洛美答:“是云山的花。”笑吟吟的停了剪刀:“到七八月里,云山简直是花海,如果你看过一眼,保证你一辈子都忘不了。”  他深遂的眼中闪过一抹异样的神采:“我见过。一望无际的白茶花,像一片雪海一样,以前形容梅花是香雪海,其实茶花亦是。”  洛美悠然神往:“那一定美极了。”  “像梦境一样美。”他说:“特别是由一个小孩子眼中看去,那简直是世界上最美的地方。”  洛美问:“你是小时候见过的?”  “是的,那是我外婆家的花田,我小时候常跟母亲去……”他的眼中本来还荡漾着一种向往的神色,但说到这里猝然住口,失神了几秒钟,说:“哦,我得走了。”  “再见!”她有意忽略他的失态。  他持花而去了,小云将花束整理好,走过来帮她剪花,说:“刚刚那位先生好面熟。”  洛美说:“昨天他也买过花,他几乎每天都要来买白茶花,再过几天你一定就记住他了。”  小云说:“他很好认的,像他那样的人不多。老是酷酷的不大笑。”  洛美说:“他还酷?你没有见过真正酷的人,我以前的董事长,我进公司那么多年,从来就没有见他笑过,那才是真正的酷毙了呢。”  “洛美姐,我听人家说你以前是在一家很有名的大公司里上班呢,人家想都想不到,你为什么要辞职呢?”  洛美笑了一笑:“再大的公司我也是打工,不如自己当老板。”  正说着话,电话响了,洛美拿起来:“您好,落美花店。”  “是我。”  稍稍低沉的声音,令她微微怔仲,因为这个时候是下午两点多钟,上班时间,应该正忙得恨不得有三头六臂的时候,所以她问:“有什么事?”  “昨天晚上为什么放我鸽子?”阴沉沉的声调,洛美不由得绞着电话线,瞟向门外车水马龙的街道。喧嚣的城市隔着花店的玻璃,像是另一个无声的世界,一切从眼前匆匆掠过,仿佛电影的长镜头,悠长而漫远。  “我要有一个理由。”平淡如镜的水面,也许是狂风骇浪的前奏。  她低了头,轻轻的说:“没有理由。”  “你答应了,为什么不去?”  “昨天晚上我要陪爸爸吃饭。”她随便找个借口:“天一晚,他就不放心我出门。”  “这个籍口太差,换一个吧。”  洛美舔舔发干的嘴唇,不由自主的伸手去理柜台上摆着的没剪完的花,说:“没什么道理了,我觉得不应该去,就没有去了。”  “你明明答应了。”  “我不答应,你不放我走,我当然只好答应了。”  “什么叫‘当然只好’?说话不算话,你什么时候这样不守信?”  “言先生。”她放缓了调子:“我不是你手下的职员了,我也退出那个圈子了。”  “我不吃你这一套,今天晚上你一定要来。”  “不,”她断然拒绝:“我说过我再也不去那里了。”  “好吧,”他忍让的说:“那么就在凯悦饭店的大堂见面。”  “洛衣呢?你怎么向她交待去向,说晚上有应酬?”  “为什么要提她?”  “她是我妹妹。”  “所以我才暂时不想和她离婚。”  “你这话什么意思?”  “什么意思你比我清楚!”  “言少梓!我不想和你打哑谜了,我今天哪儿也不会去,你也回家陪洛衣吧。”  “洛美!”  “对不起,有客人来了。”  “你敢挂断我的电话试试?!”  “你为什么这么不讲道理?”  “是我不讲理还是你?我今天一定要见你。”  洛美吸了口气,放缓了声音:“我不能见你,真的,回去陪陪洛衣吧,她一个人在家,从早等到晚等你回去,多陪陪她吧。”  “美!”  “今天你回家陪洛衣,我们有空再联络,好不好?”  “美!”  “就这样吧,再见!”  她像扔烫手山芋一样放下了电话听筒,坐在那里却怔怔的发起呆来。下午的太阳正好,照在白色的门上,被门上白色的细格切割成一方一方的小块,每一小束阳光里,都飘浮着无数尘埃,转着圈,打着旋,像哪部电影里的特写镜头一样,光线虽亮,却有一种说不出的暗沉沉,就像袋装的玉兰片,看着鲜亮亮的,却有一股子酸酸的陈霉味。  正想着,小云已走了出来,一见到她却“唉哟”了一声,她一惊,才觉得手上钻心似的痛,忙不迭缩手,口中笑道:“我真是傻了,玫瑰上有刺,却使劲的捏着它。”摊开了手,中指肚上已沁出一颗圆圆的血珠儿,含在口中吮了,又重新拿起剪刀来剪花。  晚上吃完了饭,洛美帮父亲在厨房里洗碗,官峰问:“下个星期是你的生日,你想怎么过?”  洛美怔了一怔,才笑了:“我倒忘了。”取了干布将碗擦干,说:“算了,过什么生日,一想就觉得自己都老了。”  官峰说:“老?在爸爸面前还敢说老?”  洛美一笑,听到门铃响,放下碗去开门,却是洛衣,连忙笑着说:“怎么来之前也不打个电话?今天晚饭吃的早,你没赶上。咦,少梓怎么没来?”  洛衣已走进来,灯光一照,一张脸孔雪白的没有半点血色,洛美不由一怔,问:“怎么了?”渐渐麻木,病房里的时间仿佛凝固,只有手中游戏机发出砰砰砰的声音,黄昏的时候她终于打到通关,原来也不过如此。  只是没想到宋朗回来后会独自到医院来看她,拎着花篮,还特意买了一份元藿瘦肉粥。她像招待其它同事一样招待他,客气地削水果请他吃。苹果皮在指下渐渐旋出细长的圈儿,两个人却都是沉默无言,大约她的疏远令他也觉得无趣。  他走后,她打开那份粥,气息微苦,她从来不爱咸粥,他只怕早就已经忘了。  她把粥放到一旁。  护士进来给她量体温,看到粥后倒赞了一声:“咦,元藿粥?这个最养胃了,你的病就该多吃点这个。”  一瞬间颖隽有些不知所以的震动,加班那晚,白炽灯下他的手指修长,从外卖的袋子里挑出那碗来给她。明明知道她并不爱这个,可是他也知道她从大学就有胃疼的毛病。  元藿细嚼有苦味,虽然粥已经快凉了,但颖隽一口口咽下去。  重新上班正好遇上跟Sponsor开会,Vivian抱着本本哀叹:“我宁可做两个审计项目也不愿意同Sponsor打交道。”  宋朗并没有说话,颖隽觉得他瘦了一些,神色显得憔悴,她不在的时候整队人马都由他带领,跋山涉水千难万险,难为他扛下来。项目做到最后人人都是这般歇斯底里,恨不得明天Sponsor就可以签字好将这烫手山芋推出去。  不知什么时候起加班宵夜吃粥已经成了传统,照例有人打电话叫外卖。Vivian捧了一碗八宝粥递给她:“方师姐你尝尝这个。”  颖隽还没来得及说话,只听宋朗的声音从身后传来:“我想吃八宝粥,这个给我吧。  Vivian立刻重色轻友的把粥转递给了宋朗。颖隽没有作声,屏幕上MSN上宋朗的头像是灰的,签名却是不知所云的一句话:“上海已经是夏天。”  上海已经是夏天?  季节邅递,写字楼里却永远由中央空调控制为23℃,天花板上的白炽灯亮得日夜不分,颖隽永远穿裙子,披件薄薄的开司米外套。外面是什么季节,她早就不知道。  她回头看了一眼近在咫尺的宋朗,他正在专心致意的讲电话。这家粥品店的勺子非常别致,并不是那种常见的一次性塑料勺,而是竹子剜成的竹勺,打磨得十分光滑,握在手里仿佛触手生凉。  大学时代他经常在操场上等她,那时候她就喜欢西门外的八宝粥,他拿饭盒买了,大冷天一路急跑,她坐在看台上吃到的时候,通常还是微烫的。那时候他们有一对竹勺,一模一样,勺柄上画着憨头憨脑的熊猫,是暑假一起去青城山的时候买的。  她想了想,把自己MSN上的签名改成了“元藿其实挺好吃。”  宋朗仍是离线状态,可是没过一会儿,他的签名竟然改成了:“胃病不宜吃甜粥。”  没想到他竟然在线,也没想到他会特意解释,她有一点窘,也有一点乐,就像小时候和小伙伴住在一栋单元楼里偏还要打电话,而现在明明近在咫尺,却借着MSN的签名来遥遥相对。她抬起头来,他正好转过脸来,对她微笑。  从那天起颖隽更加留意,常常看看他的签名。忙起来昏天暗地,她的签名是“越战越勇”,而他把自己的签名改成“无往不胜”,这八个字配在一起令人精神抖擞,幸好谁都没发现他俩的小秘密  两位Sponsor签字的那天正好是宋朗的生日,大家借机起哄要宋朗请客,连Partner都跟着凑热闹,宋朗自然爽快答允。  项目算是圆满结束,每个人都有一种如释重负的彻底放松。自助餐果然吃得很饱,席间Vivian半开玩笑般向Partner要求休假,被Partner慢条斯理的驳回,马来西亚老头一个词一个词往外蹦中国字:“结婚,可以,生小孩,可以,生病,可以,休息,不可以。”  Vivian却转过脸来,望着颖隽,乐呵呵的学着Partner的语气:“结婚,可以!生小孩,可以!越战,越勇,无往,不胜!”  众人哄然大笑起来,Vivian再也绷不住乐:“师姐你连我都瞒着,太没义气了,大家早都说好了,这次一定要让你和宋师兄请客!”  没想到那点小秘密全被大家看在眼里。  颖隽喝了一点点红酒,不知为什么却有了薄醺的醉意,双颊发热,竟然有点心虚的不敢反驳。也许动过一次手术后,她的胃终于开始吸收酒精。  吃完自助餐出来,天早就黑了,这城市夜色最美,琼楼玉宇,灯光璀璨。颖隽立在街边等计程车,没想到宋朗从地下停车场开车上来,就停在她身旁。  两个人在路上都没有说话,仿佛语言已然多余。  他一直将她送到楼下,最后才对她说:“有样东西一直忘了给你。”  她心里一跳,他唇角弯弯,摊开掌心。汉王谅,以开皇十七年(597),出为并州总管。自山以东,至于沧海,南拒黄河,五十二州尽隶焉。特许以便宜,不拘律令。十八年(598),起辽东之役,十九年(599)突厥犯塞,皆以为行军元帅。盖秦王虽败,高祖委任宗支之心,初未尝减也。太子谗废,谅阴有异图。讽高祖云:突厥方强,太原即为重镇,宜修武备。高祖从之。于是缮治器械,招佣亡命,左右私人,殆将数万。王者,僧辩之子也,为谅谘议参军;萧摩诃者,陈氏旧将;并为谅所亲善。蜀王废,谅愈不自安。高祖崩,征之不赴,遂发兵反。炀帝遣杨素讨之。谅穷蹙降,以幽死。子颢禁锢。宇文化及弑逆之际遇害。王自杀。萧摩诃被擒而死。炀帝徙谅党数十万家。《五行志》。大业三年(607),敕并州逆党,已流配而逃亡者,所获之处,即宜斩决。五年(609),大赦天下,开皇已来流配者,悉放还乡,而晋阳逆党,仍不在其例。皆见《纪》。亦酷矣。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-16
    【中篇完结】她的手本来搂住他的脖子,可是胳膊渐渐发软,像是全身的力气都被抽光,十指都开始发冷,一直冷到手心,她终于撑不住,手从他肩头滑落了下来,她几乎是失态,怔怔的站在那里,只是看着他。  “以后照顾好自己,如果不是拍戏就别熬夜,也别相信朋友就随便投资。”他嘴角微微抿起,其实他这样子最迷人,可是以后她再也看不见了。  “遇上困难给我打电话。”他最后一次亲吻她,如蜻蜓点水般吻在她脸颊上,只是一触,几乎不带任何温度,他已经打开门径直离去。  在电梯里他看到自己的脸,空洞而疲倦,凌晨时分,喧哗的城市终于渐渐睡去,电梯里更是寂然如灭。  并非厌倦,他只是不再想维系这种关系,虽然许优十分漂亮,又几乎从不给他找麻烦,她曾是一朵他很满意的解语花。但不知为什么,今天晚上他只觉得倦怠,所以选择了离开。  或许适当改变一下目前的生活,可以好过些。  第二天早晨起来,雷宇峥先去打了一场网球,看看时间还早,于是给陈宜珈打电话:“要不一起吃午饭吧。”  陈宜珈很高兴:“行啊,我在和同学逛街,你来接我。”  她在广场的一角等他,他开车看到她站在路旁,因为不能停车,他把车速减下来,正打算让她过马路去等。谁知她拉开车门,飞快的上了车。  “很危险的!”  “有时候做点危险的事也很有趣呀。”她笑嘻嘻系上安全带:“又带我去吃什么好吃的?”  “烤肉怎么样?”  她说:“那要自己烤才有趣。  “那带你去一个地方。”  出了城她也没有问去哪里,就看着他把车开上高速,于是掩口打了个哈欠,没一会儿就睡着了。  他从后视镜里看了一眼,其实她眉目间还有点小孩子的稚气,睡不够,他并没有妹妹,但觉得有妹妹应该就是这样子吧。  他开车很快,等快到了她正好醒来,上官别墅的位置非常好,隐在一湾湖畔,仿佛海边,但湖水比海水显得更宁静。行道两旁皆是梅花树,这时节只见枝叶扶疏,可以想见花开时定是香飘十里。她见着这么好的风景,不由问:“你的湖景豪宅?这也太阔绰了!”  “上官的。”  她眉眼弯弯的笑:“原来是上官那个资本家。”  镂花铁门已经缓缓打开,上官亲自出来接他们:“哟,可真没想到,大老远的,真给面子。”  “不欢迎?”  “欢迎,当然欢迎!”上官仍旧是笑嘻嘻:“不欢迎你,我还欢迎宜珈呢。”  司机上来替他去停车,他和陈宜珈和上官说着话,一路绕过假山,远远看到草地上果然支着烧烤架子,一堆人欢声笑语,热闹非凡。虽然隔得那样远,但他一眼看到她。  杜晓苏坐在桂花树下一张躺椅上,正侧过头和邹思琦说话。这样远远看过去,她侧影落落,眉宇间仍旧是那般寂寥。不知道为什么,他心里奇异般安静下来,仿佛只要见着她,便觉得放心了。  可是这么近,仍旧是那样远。 Her hand was her arms around his neck and arm but gradually weak, like all his strength by pumping light, ten fingers started cold, cold to the palm of the hand, she finally could not help hand slipped down from his shoulders, she was almost rude, just stood there, just looked at him."Take good care of yourself, if not the movie don't stay up late, don't believe the friend just investment." he pursed his mouth slightly, but he like this the most charming, but she couldn't see."Difficult to call me." the last time he kissed her, like a superficial kiss on her cheek, just a touch, with hardly any temperature, he had opened the door straight away.In the elevator he saw his face, empty and tired, midnight, the noisy city finally fell asleep, the elevator is silent as death.Not tired, he just didn't want to sustain this relationship, while many advantages is very beautiful, and almost no trouble to him, she was a very satisfactory answer he spent. But I do not know why, he felt tired this evening, so I chose to leave.Perhaps appropriate to change the current life, can be better than some.Second morning, Lei Yuzheng went to the tennis game, look at the early time, then call Chen Yijia: "do you want for lunch"Chen Yijia is very happy: "OK, I go shopping with my classmates, you come to meet me"She was waiting for him in the corner of the square, and he drove to see her standing by the roadside, because he could not stop, he put the speed down, is going to let her go across the street to wait."Very dangerous!""Sometimes do some dangerous things is also very interesting." she smiled: "fasten the safety belt and take me to eat what to eat?""How about a barbecue?"She said, "it's fun to bake."That takes you to a place"Out of the city where she did not ask to go, he looked at his car on the high speed, so the mask yawn, not for a while on the fall asleep.He glanced in the rearview mirror, but she looks too young and childish, lack of sleep, he did not feel the sister sister, but should be this way.He drove too fast, so fast that she just woke up, Shangguan villa location is very good, hidden in a Bay Lake, like the sea, but the sea is more than peace. The road is on both sides of the plum tree, this season saw can be set to see the flowers with branches profusely covered with leaves., when she saw ten Xiangpiao so. Good scenery, not by asking: "your lake mansion? This is a wide enough!""."She looks crooked smile: "the original Shangguan is that capitalist"Louhua gates have been opened slowly, Shangguan personally pick them: "Yo, you really didn't think, all the way, really to face""?""Welcome, of course welcome!" Shangguan is still grinning: "not welcome you, I also welcome Yi Jia"The driver came to the parking for him, he and Chen Yijia and the law said, all the way around the rockery, saw the grass as a grill, a bunch of people laughter, lively and extraordinary. Although every so far, but he saw her.Du Xiaosu sat in the sweet scented osmanthus trees a couch is turned to speak to Zou Siqi. So far to see the past, her silhouette falls, forehead is still so lonely. I don't know why, he was magically quiet, as if just saw her, he felt relieved.But so close, is still so far.
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-17
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-17


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    桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归, 宜其室家。 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归, 宜其家人。

  • 2


    ···吾名殷封,是这无域之境的主人··· ···若想要这里的宝物,就来交换吧··· ···留下你的姓名,留下你的交换品··· ···记忆,情感,时光,或任何东西··· ···当然,你也能拿自己的宝物交换··· ···至于换到什么··· ···一切皆是缘··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···

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    《兔子什么都知道》 这本书是发生在时光森林里的故事。这片以胡萝卜为名的森林里住着许多只长着温柔的红眼睛的兔子。其中有深爱着彼此的兔小灰和兔小白,有互为冷暖的兔小冷和兔小暖,有忧伤的总是睡不着觉的兔小眠,有疯癫地每天想着逃离这个世界的兔小枫,有整天念叨着说要减肥但仍然舍不得抛弃胡萝卜的兔小胖。一只兔子所喜欢的:胡萝卜和白菜;小草静静生长的声音;一朵花努力展开自己时的姿态;从枝叶的缝隙间照进森林里的光,七月午后一阵突然袭来的凉风;轻轻落在小溪水面上的雨滴;冬天里的第一场雪;印在雪地上的两排小脚印;以及,另一只兔子的体温。 每个人心里都有一只柔软的有爱的兔子,一起找到心底的那只兔子吧~ 德国哲学家康德说过:“这个世界上唯有两样东西能让我们的心灵感到深深的震撼: 一是我们头上灿烂的星空,一是我们内心崇高的道德法则。” 读书,让我们不孤单,可以看到银河里那些古远,孤独的星星。 他们是夜空里最亮的星。 从小时候开始来说吧, 《伊索寓言》,《格林童话》,《安徒生童话》 小学的时候,就喜欢上了读书,可是那时候没有自己喜欢的可以读,其实说实话是没有书可读。 一本作文书我都可以津津有味地读好久。 进入初中,租书,买书更多了,影响较大的有: 《活着》,《许三观卖血记》,《十八岁第一次出门远行》《荒村公寓》,《狼图腾》,《废都》 贾平凹的狂放之风,余华的悲观但努力的气质。 《小王子》则是读过的次数最多,星星盈盈,童心未泯。



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