


外国经典 Everyday Foods in War Time

作者:Mary Swartz Rose 字数:2.5万字


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The patriotic housewife finds her little domestic boat sailing in uncharted waters. The above message of the Food Administration disturbs her ordinary household routine, upsets her menus and puts her recipes out of commission. It also renders inoperative some of her usual methods of economy at a time when rising food prices make economy more imperative than ever. To be patriotic and still live on one’s income is a complex problem. This little book was started in response to a request for “a war message about food.” It seemed to the author that a simple explanation of the part which some of our common foods play in our diet might be both helpful and reassuring. To change one’s menu is often trying; to be uncertain whether the substituted foods will preserve one’s health and strength makes adjustment doubly difficult. It is hoped that the brief chapters which follow will make it easier to “save wheat, meat, sugars and fats” and to make out an acceptable bill of fare without excessive cost.





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